About us

VJN Misson and Vision

With an understanding that this will contribute to the process of sustainability, our mission is to develop the talents and capacities of youth in order to promote human and spiritual values.

Our vision is for a better future for the country, a renewed dynamic, and productive youth with good physical, moral, and spiritual health

VJN’s activities are:

1. Education

2. Economic empowerment                 

3. Health

4. Peacebuilding         

5. Sports, Culture, and Arts



The mission of the organization is achieved through the following objectives:

1. Sensitize the population on the prevention of HIV/AIDS, other transmittable or noncommunicable diseases, malnutrition as well as any pandemic outbreaks.
2. Detect and promote the talents of young people in the areas of sport, culture, art and technology.
3. Improve the economic lives of vulnerable people to help them integrate smoothly into society.
4. Educate people about human rights, peacebuilding, environmental issues, and unity reconciliation.
5. Decrease poverty among disadvantaged youth and adults through microfinance, cooperatives and income-generating activities.
6. Reduce the unemployment rate through vocational, digital, and
entrepreneurship training, while linking youth to job market opportunities.
7. Promote human and spiritual values ​​within the population.
8. Educate the population on health, nutrition, technology, literacy and the importance of reading. 

  • The beneficiaries of the organization are:
  • Children, young people and adults
  • Vulnerable people
  • Refugees and disaster victims
  • Prisoners
  • People infected and affected by HIV/AIDS as well as other pandemics

Vision Jeunesse Nouvelle Staff Members

You can filter Staff members by clicking on Department name or using the search box on your right


Position: Executive Director
Phone: +250 785403435
Email: vitalri@yahoo.fr
Categories: administration, Director, Manager
Location: VJN CENTER (HQ)

Br. Vital is VJN’s executive director, responsible for managing and strategically planning the organization. He is accountable for its efficient operation and goal achievement as set by the board of directors. As an Executive directors he develop policies, oversee budgets, and represent the organization to stakeholders. He has Strong leadership, communication, analytical, and organizational skills are essential for success in this role.

Executive Director

Br. Vital is VJN's executive director, responsible for managing and strategically planning...


Position: Programs Coordinator
Phone: +250 788892826
Email: m.mukaremezo@visiionjeunessenouvelle.org.rw
Categories: administration, Manager
Location: VJN CENTER (HQ)

As the Program Coordinator at VJN (Vision Jeunesse Nouvelle), Mediatrice Mukaremezo plays a pivotal role in overseeing and coordinating various programs and initiatives within the organization. Here’s a description of her role and potential characteristics:

Mediatrice Mukaremezo is a dynamic and strategic leader entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing all programs at VJN. In her role as the Program Coordinator, she provides leadership and direction to ensure that programs are effectively designed, implemented, and evaluated to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives.

Mediatrice collaborates closely with program managers, staff members, and stakeholders to develop program strategies, plans, and budgets. She oversees the allocation of resources, monitors progress, and evaluates outcomes to ensure that programs are meeting their targets and making a meaningful impact on the communities served by VJN.

As a Program Coordinator, Mediatrice plays a key role in fostering collaboration and partnership both within the organization and with external stakeholders. She builds and maintains relationships with donors, government agencies, NGOs, and community organizations to leverage resources, share best practices, and maximize the reach and effectiveness of VJN’s programs.

Mediatrice demonstrates strong organizational and project management skills, ensuring that programs are executed efficiently, on time, and within budget. She identifies risks and challenges, develops mitigation strategies, and adapts program plans as needed to address changing circumstances and emerging needs.

Moreover, Mediatrice is a skilled communicator and facilitator who excels at building consensus, resolving conflicts, and mobilizing teams toward common goals. She fosters a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement, empowering staff members to contribute their ideas and talents to the success of VJN’s programs.

Overall, Mediatrice Mukaremezo’s role as the Program Coordinator at VJN is instrumental in driving the organization’s mission and impact. Her leadership, strategic vision, and commitment to excellence ensure that programs are effectively designed, implemented, and monitored to create positive change and opportunities for the youth and communities served by VJN.

Programs Coordinator

Program Coordinator at VJN (Vision Jeunesse Nouvelle), Mediatrice Mukaremezo plays a pivotal...